How to Protect Your Hair from the Sun: Tips and Tricks
Just like your skin, your hair fear the sun rays: learn how to protect them to preserve their beauty and health !
Depuis 2009, Noireônaturel développe des soins écologiques spécifiques pour cheveux afros, bouclés, frisés, crépus. C’est la 1ère marque française de BIO-Cosmétique ethnique certifiée et labellisée par ECOCERT.
Depuis 2009, Noireônaturel développe des soins écologiques spécifiques pour cheveux afros, bouclés, frisés, crépus. C’est la 1ère marque française de BIO-Cosmétique ethnique certifiée et labellisée par ECOCERT.
Just like your skin, your hair fear the sun rays: learn how to protect them to preserve their beauty and health !
It’s time to change the way you look at your frizzy hair and learn to love it for what it is!
Frizzy hair is often stigmatised, particularly because of racism. In recent years, the Nappy movement has been working to put frizzy hair back in the spotlight and reclaim its natural beauty!
It is not always easy to know how to style your curly or frizzy hair… we give you some trendy hairstyles ideas!
Many black women have already experienced straightening their hair… sometimes without even questioning it ! Today, we explain this history of relaxing frizzy hair and how it became so normalized.
Why are natural produits better for your textured hair ? We tell you everything !
Why are natural products better for enhancing your textured hair? We tell you all about it!
When you go on a trip, all your habits are often turned upside down… And with them: our precious hair routine! But don’t panic, we’ve got everything you need to keep your hair healthy while you’re away!
Il n’est pas toujours simple de connaître la texture de ses cheveux… Si vous doutez, voici quelques astuces pour voir si vos cheveux sont texturés !
When it comes to effective, respectful hair care, we’re always on the lookout for natural ingredients with miraculous properties. Little-known broccoli oil is one of these hidden treasures for textured hair. Let’s discover the many benefits of this oil for your wavy, curly, frizzy hair or locks.