Quaternary ammoniums: The danger of their impact on hair and healthy alternatives
To mark Organic Cosmetics Week, we’d like to warn you about an ingredient that is frequently used in cosmetics, despite its dangers: quaternary ammoniums.
Depuis 2009, Noireônaturel développe des soins écologiques spécifiques pour cheveux afros, bouclés, frisés, crépus. C’est la 1ère marque française de BIO-Cosmétique ethnique certifiée et labellisée par ECOCERT.
Depuis 2009, Noireônaturel développe des soins écologiques spécifiques pour cheveux afros, bouclés, frisés, crépus. C’est la 1ère marque française de BIO-Cosmétique ethnique certifiée et labellisée par ECOCERT.
To mark Organic Cosmetics Week, we’d like to warn you about an ingredient that is frequently used in cosmetics, despite its dangers: quaternary ammoniums.
We’ve never done Black Friday before… But we’ve changed our minds, and we’ll tell you why.
How can you have a more responsible Christmas, with less impact on the planet but just as much magic?
After 3 years of research and development, they’re finally here. Tailor-made to meet YOUR needs, and always true to OUR values.
Back to school is already here, and it often means buying lots of school supplies… But it is possible to choose school supplies that are better for our planet. We tell you all about it.
Traveling is great, but traveling sustainably is greater ! For future generations can enjoy the beauty of traveling.
Organic and natural products are all around us… But beware of greenwashing! Cosmebio invites us to distinguish the organic from the fake.